It was a wonderful typical pueblo event....two people working very hard and 10-20 visitors chatting and watching. Jose, a very talented mason from Rio Bamba, is the man in red in the photo on the left.
Then approaching Quito on the bus we had a flat tire... Which is also an interesting cultural experience...I was really amazed that the passengers on the bus were the ones who got up (fast) and changed the tire, then the 15 other passengers watching and chatting or taking the opportunity to stretch their legs. Below center you can see that the man who is closest to me is actually a passenger with crutches. First I thought the problem was that the luggage compartment wouldn't close, since the mechanics were torqing a bar like handle on a rock with a hammer and pin. But this turned out to be the super big jack handle. At times like this I try not to be too touristy...therefor the pictures are from the bus window.

There are some things about traveling that are really hard to take pictures of...one is the view of Quito as wet coastal clouds impact on the ridge above the city in fuming billows with red lightning from the air pollution. Really impossible to catch that in camera but especially from the back seat of a car traveling on infrequently maintained road. Just trust me it is gorgeous.
Its Monday and I am in the back of the Toyota truck again...This week we do Papallacta Chaco and Oyacachi again. I am going to try to maintain in Oyacachi and tramp around looking for the best place for the stilling well. We have almost everything now only missing the evaporation pan and hose.

Ciao for now....
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